Last year's Christmas episode of Community was an animated Aspergian fantasy. This year, aspie Dan Harmon has given us a hilarious parody of Glee for the holidays.
Abed sings about his Asperger's on two separate occasions. Saturday Night Live's Taran Killam as the sweater-vested, "aggressively asexual" glee club coach convinces Abed to join the club, and Abed is excited because he will "understand every scene, because they'll sing what they feel instead of making faces." I admit the fact that people do this is one of the reasons I love musicals. There is also a nod to the winking way the show treats his probable autism in Troy's rap about infiltrating Christmas: "On the spectrum? None of your business."
The whole thing is pretty funny. I loved Annie's version of a sexy "Santa Baby" type song, which involved infantile regression. And the reference to Invasion of the Body Snatchers. But mostly the jokes about Glee, which I also love, but does make constant vague references to regionals. Whatever they are.